Elmley Castle C.E. First School

Elmley Castle C.E. First School

A Little Piece Of Heaven On Earth

Main Street, Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, WR10 3HS


01386 710279

Elm class

Welcome to the Webpage for Elm Class!

We are a Key Stage Two class made up of wonderful Year Four and Five children. 

Our Class Teacher is Mr Jarvie and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Beamish. 

Some Important Information: 

  • Reading records are checked throughout the week in the mornings, we ask that a parent or guardian listens to us read and signs our record at least once a week. Mr Jarvie would ideally like you to read at least 3 times a week at home for about 20 mins each time. Our pupils endeavour to become independent readers by the time they reach Year 4.  
  • Times tables are tested every Thursday and the children's results sheets are taken home each week with a target for improvement. 
  • Forest school is termly dates TBC
  • PE is every Thursday and Friday- please come to school in your PE kit on this day. 
  • Each term we have a learning log focus for the whole term, which incorporate  English, Maths and Topic tasks. 

At the bottom of this page you will find some useful documents explaining how you can support your child's learning in class, recommended books for your child's age group and links to the latest spelling lists:


The children have arrived safely and are having a wonderful time! The first activity is well underway and reports from staff are that the children are having a blast! :) 

Summer 2024 - A-maize-ing day on the farm!

On Thursday 27th June, Elm class were lucky enough to visit a farm in our village. Farmers Liz and Alex arranged some amazing activities for us in the morning. 

We looked at various items that can be found around the farm and tried to guess what they were called and what they were used for.


We saw how the farm grows oats organically, and met the cows and the sheep. We were then treated to an amazing herding display by Mot the sheepdog, who was the absolute star of the day, whizzing around the sheep and moving them like a pro.


We learned about the sheeps wool, ad how it is full of lanolin (a type of oil) which has healing properties for cuts and grazes. We also compared the wool to a man made fabric (vicose). We buried both in the ground (to be dug up at a later to date) to see whether the lambs wool, or the man made fabric would decompose first. We also planted an Evesham plum tree to commemorate our visit. We can't wait to re-visit and eat them after all the digging we did!


The highlight for most of us was being able to sit in the tractors. And. of course, we all had to beep the horn. A great day out!!

Spring 2024 - How did the Ancient Greeks live and is river formation and the water cycle solely inter-linked?


We have been looking at the movements of the Earths water and the recycling process it goes through, known as the water cycle. 

  1. Heat causes the Earths water to evaporate into the air
  2. As it cools in the air, this vapour turns back into tiny droplets of water: Clouds
  3. As the cloud gets heavy the water droplets fall as rain
  4. The rain runs down mountains into lakes and sea where it collects ready for the process to begin again

We have conducted a simple experiment to demonstrate this cycle by placing water in a sealed bag and monitoring its stages and states.

water cycle experiment

Topic homework

Topic web

Autumn 2023 - How do animals and humans co-exist throughout time and location?

Topic homework

Topic web

Knowledge Organiser 





DT and Art



The Living Rainforest November 2023

Summer 2023

Elmley Castle celebrated World Poetry Day by dressing up as a character from a famous poem or nursery rhyme and invited Andrea Prior into school to talk about her published books of poetry 'A Parcel of Pigs' and 'Piddle of Pups'. She showed us her personal sketches when developing her illustrations and read a few of her favourite poems out loud whilst discussing why she chose the language and descriptions she did. Some of us were even lucky enough to receive signed copies to take home!

Spring 2023 - Stone Age to Iron Age

Here are some examples of our stone age cave art which we chalked under our tables (caves) after researching what has been found around the world from that period of time.

Stone Age to Iron Age Topic Web

Stone Age to Iron Age Home Learning

Autumn 2023 - Stars and Stripes

Stars and Stripes Topic Web

Stars and Stripes Home Learning

Summer 2022 - Ocean Deep Mountain High

Ocean Deep Mountain High Topic Web

Ocean Deep Mountain High Topic Home Learning

Spellings Year 4 (second half term)

Year 4 Spellings

Spellings Year 5 (second half term)

Year 5 Spellings

Elm class trip to Go Ape Wyre Forest

Spring 2022 - Movers and Makers

Movers and Makers Topic Web

Movers and Makers Topic Home Learning

Spellings for Spring Term 2022

Year 4 spellings

Showing 1-1 of 1

Year 5 spellings

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Autumn 2021 - War and Peace

War and Peace Topic Web

War and Peace Topic Home Learning

Home Learning


Home Learning

Should your child need to isolate at home please contact Mr Jarvie on jj321@elmleycastle.worcs.sch.uk where we will support you with remote learning. 

The school has also purchased WhiteRose premium resources and Timestables Rockstars To access this resource, please contact the class teacher on the email above. 

General Skills Practise below: 

Recommended Reading Lists

 Brilliant Book List Y4.pdfDownload
 Brilliant Book List Y5.pdfDownload
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 Mr Jarvie's suggested book list.docxDownload
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Guidance on how to support your child's reading

Showing 1-1 of 1

Guidance on how to support your child in learning their times tables

Showing 1-1 of 1

Elm Class went to PGL and participated in several exciting activities across the two days. This included wall climbing, the big swing, sensory trail, archery and zip wire.

In RE we have been creating pictures of places we would like to make a pilgrimage to. These can be either places we have previously visited and want to go back to, places we want to visit and haven't yet had the chance, or made up places which have our most favourite characteristics.

In English we have been creating posters to show-off all the grammar skills we will be using in our writing- here are just a few examples.

In art we designed and created our own stain-glass windows using black strips of sugar paper glued into chosen patterns with coloured tissue paper stuck across the gaps as glass.

We read our harvest festival prayers in church in our harvest service after bringing in produce for those in need.

Elm Class made crosses and painted them red to commemorate all those soldiers who sacrificed their lives and bravely fought in war.

We created acrostic poems centred around the soldiers to help remember those who fought and died in the war.

Elm Class had fun in the snow at playtime!

Elm goes to forest school...

Elm showcase all the hard work they have been doing at home when they brought in the homework completed for the term 'War and Peace'. There was a phenomenal effort in the various pieces they produced and should be very proud of what they achieved!

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